Kindergarten Extended Day Program (KED)

The Mustard Seed Community Childcare at Our Savior’s KED program supports and enhances your child’s learning experience.

The daily schedule will include story time, circle time, daily calendar, STEAM activities, movement, outside play (weather permitting), lunch time, snack time, inside play time and more.

We will offer a wrap-around Kindergarten program available to children entering Kindergarten in September; enrollment is on a first come, first served basis.

Mustard Seed Community Childcare at Our Savior strives to provide care to all children without discrimination, accommodating all who can function safely and appropriately within the structure of the program and curriculum. Upon receipt by MSCCOS of the completed Registration Form, signed Enrollment Agreement, and Registration Fee, the family is obligated to all MSCCOS financial and other policies. 

KED will have two sessions:

Morning Session: 8:30 am to 11:45 am

Children are then transported to their school*

Afternoon Session: 11:00am to 3:30pm

Children are picked-up from their school and brought to Mustard Seed CCOS*

  • Morning Care will be offered for the morning session children beginning at 7:30am
  • After Care will be offered for the afternoon session children until 6:00pm

*Transportation will be provided by a contracted school bus company.

The KED session (AM or PM) is assigned based on the session of kindergarten that your child is assigned at their school.

We do offer Before Care beginning at 7:30am and After Care until 6:00pm. This can be added after it is determined which session of KED your child will be attending.

Mustard Seed kindergarten classroom

2025-26 KED Tuition Schedule

Registration Fee: $100 per family (non-refundable)

The below rates are monthly. For families with twins or multiple children in KED, a 20% discount will apply to the tuition of the second child.

5 days/week

Basic KED
8:30am–12:15pm or


Plus before school
Plus after school

4 days/week

Basic KED
8:30am–12:15pm or


Plus before school
Plus after school

3 days/week

Basic KED
8:30am–12:15pm or


Plus before school
Plus after school

Late Pick-up

Every 15 minutes (without prior notice)
$14 per 15 mins
(max fee of $35)
Call before 5:00pm to extend to 6:00pm
Flat fee of $14

For More Information

Please contact: Donna Marie Clancy, Executive Director

Or call: 856-669-4491