2025-26 KED Family Registration Form
Registration is made on a space-available basis. Mustard Seed Community Childcare at Our Savior strives to provide care to all children without discrimination, accomodating all who can function safely and appropriately within the structure of the program and curriculum. Upon reciept by MSCCOS of the completed Registration Form, signed Enrollment Agreement and Registration Fee, the family is obligated to all MSCCOS financial and other policies.
KED Family Registration Form
*MSCCOS needs two authorized emergency contacts other than parents. Contacts must be at least 18 years of age. These individuals must be able to drive and be able to take your child in case of parent unavailability, and be within 15-20 minutes of the program. You may list as many additional persons (adults) authorized to pick up your child as you wish. You may submit a signed additional sheet if necessary. Under no circumstances will a child be released to any other person without prior authorization by parent.